Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights is a fast-growing group of 1500+ families across Mississippi who seek the fundamental right to make medical decisions for their children without Government coercion or discrimination.
We are NOT anti-vaccine. We simply want OPTIONS...the same options that parents in 48 other healthier states have. MOST parents want to vaccinate their children; we just want options!
Vaccination is a one-size-fits-all GOVERNMENT PROGRAM that has grown out of control. Our children receive 49 doses of 15 vaccines before kindergarten! Children received just 10-12 vaccines during a lifetime in the 1980s. The current vaccine schedule has never once been tested as it is administered to our children.
Many parents believe 49 doses of 15 vaccines by kindergarten is simply too many too soon. Parents want to work with their doctor to vaccinate their children as an individual...giving shots across more visits rather than the 8 vaccines in one day that is customary for an 8 week old infant to receive. Bureaucrats at the Health Department do no know our children, have never seen our children, yet have tyrannical power over their care regarding vaccines.
Vaccine Manufacturers and Doctors can not be held liable for vaccine injury or death.
Since 1986 multiple vaccines for non life threatening diseases- some that our children are not even at risk for- have been added to the CDCs ever-growing vaccine schedule. When does it stop? Why must our children bear the burden of a so-called greater good while an entire adult population goes mostly unvaccinated?
Question: Are you willing to roll your sleeve up multiple times across the next 4 years and receive 49 doses of 15 vaccines? We all know adults would not stand for this.
Then why must our small children bear this burden?
We are not asking the state to decide if shots are good or bad or safe or unsafe. We are asking those of you who represent the people of Mississippi to restore our fundamental parental right to make medical decisions for our own children.