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October 29, 2014


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Ronnie Prine

I Ronnie Prine give my permission to share my family's story of vaccine injury.


God Bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. I am so sorry for you and your son's suffering and for his recent death. I am surely sharing this and championing this cause.


My heart goes out to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your family's story.

Shari Blake

God Bless you, I am speechless .

Ronnie Prine

if you want to learn more about Eric's life go to one4ericvaccineinjury.com thanks Ronnie Prine

Ronnie Prine

If you want to see his website and this story in more detail go tohttp://magnolia-country.com/StoryinPictures/tabid/1248/Default.aspx


Vaccine injury is real. There are lots of injuries caused by vaccines including autism. Learn about who William Thompon is, The CDC whistleblower. The CDC did not tell the truth. breakingtheautismcode.com


Dear Family of Eric,

It's both heartbreaking and appalling to learn the plight of your precious child at the "hands" of the poisoned needle... As I watched Eric's video with before and after shots, I thought about a friend of mine whose son, Josh, suffered a similar devastating blow from the DPT shot. After vaccination, Josh developed horrible seizures and was confined to a wheelchair until he died at age 32. His father, Ted Kuntz, who fought the medical syndicate, like most families of vaccine death and injury, was stonewalled with claims that it was all a "coincidence." As Ted says... 'Vaccines are the number one cause of coincidence' Ted is now active with Vaccine Choice Canada and has written a book; 'Dare to Question: One Parent to Another' He also has a website: daretoquestionvaccination.com ... Please do share it.

What far too many families have suffered "thanks" to the vaccine holy cow is CRIMINAL... Though I know nothing will bring your lovely son back, I'm so very glad he is finally at peace, free of pain and suffering as is Josh and so many others. You WILL see him again, as the healthy young man he always deserved to be... Blessings!

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